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An easy and childish game about hunting butterflies.  

The things I needed to have in this game to finish the project were:

  •  Main Menu with "Play" and "Instructions" options where the first one will load the gameplay and the second one will load a resume of the controls with a button to get back to the Main Menu.
  • The player must be like a minion (capsule as the body and two spheres as eyes) and will be able to detect collisions, have interactions with forces and most not rotate at any axis by them. It also has to be able to move and rotate in the 4 directions. 
  •  The enemy will be a butterfly made of capsules, cubes and spheres which must have a flutter animation in its wings. Must detect collisions too and be affected by gravity. It also has to be a prefab. 
  • There must be a script which spawns butterflies randomly at time and positions and must generate them above the player. 
  •  Every time a butterfly touches the ground the player loses 1 point and if the player touches the butterfly gains 5 points. 
  • The game must last 90 seconds and when it's over will appear a Game Over screen showing the final score and a button to get back to the Main Menu. 

 I also added: 

  • 2 different soundtracks for the Main Menu and the Gameplay. 
  • One specific sound for every time a button is press. 
  • Different sound to when the butterflies touch the ground and the player. 
  •  Videos of the game as background in the MainMenu, Instructions and GameOver screens. 
  • 4 prefabs with different colours of butterflies. 
  • The RandomSpawn with an array to be able to spawn all prefabs. 
  • A Quit button in the MainMenu to simulate the closure of the game while turning off the soundtrack


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